MONDAY ( 5 APRIL 2010 )
The product manufactured by DARE BPO SDN BHD is UNICEED Malaysia's NO.1 ON-DEMAND ( Unified Communications Services ) . The usage of the product : Eliminates the need to use separate devices to communicate. On the first day of work, the supervisor of the day Mr. Jeffrey CP Tan a.k.a. the CEO of the company guided to look into DARE BPO's product through a customer's perspective. This product needs a deep understanding in programming and coordination in terms of telecommunication aspects. The groups of interns including myself were given a demo account of this product so that we can explore it as a customer.
The company website is .
TUESDAY ( 6 APRIL 2010 )
On the second day, I learnt on how to generate wave files using AT & T tts and also IBM tts. TTS is also known as text-to-speech. It is used to generate voice tha is transformed from text. Wavepad Masters Edition was installed and used to modify these wave files. Some of the functions in the Wavepad Masters Editions are : Reverse, Echo, Reverb, Fade In, Fade Out, Cross Fade and so on. The voice /wave obtained from IBM/AT & T will be dowloaded into UNICEED demo account ( Multi-Level Virtual PBX ). Settings for the operator services being done through this software. The final outcome is what you can hear when you a call company like below :
For Marketing Department please press 1
For Sponsorship Department please press 2
For Customers Service please press 3
If you would like to talk to any of our operators please press 0
and so on.....
I have learnt about ASTERISK and also ASTERISKNOW. The details are as follows :
Asterisk is a popular open sorce telephony service. It turns ordinary computer to feature-rich communications server. It also makes it simple to create and deploy a wide range of telephony applications and services.
It includes all the building blocks needed to create a PBX system, an IVR mailto:system@virtually any other kind of communication solution.
This creates custom telephony solution by automatically installing the 'plumbing'. Much of the complexity of Asterisk and Linux is handled by the installer and the adminstrative GUI. Application developers and integrators can concentrate on building their solution.
Among the many applications you can create :
VOIP Gateway, Skype Gateway, IP/PBX, Call Center ACD, Conference Bridge, IVR Server, Voicemail System, Call Recorder, Fax Server and also Speech Server.
AsteriskNOW was built for application developers, systems integrators, students, hackers and other who want to create custom solution with Asterisk.